A type of therapy in which the hands are used to manipulate the spine or other parts of the body. Sometimes, heat and ice, relaxation techniques, exercise, and other treatments are also used. Chiropractic therapy may be used to treat conditions such as back pain, neck pain, headache, and hand or foot problems, and to improve overall health. It is a type of complementary and alternative medicine.
Treatment that a chiropractor may offer includes :
- Adjustments : To gently realign joints to decrease pain and increase range of motion.
- Soft-tissue therapy : To relax tight muscles, relieve spasms and release tension in the connective tissue that surrounds each muscle (fascia).
- Exercises and stretches : To restore and maintain joint stability and mobility.
- Joint bracing/taping (Kinesio taping) : To support sprained joints or muscles as they heal.
- Referrals to integrative medicine experts : For guidance on diet and nutrition to reduce inflammation and/or promote healthy eating to manage weight.
- Helps minimize migraines and neck-related headaches.
- Improves your posture.
- Reduces pain and improves range of motion of your spine and other joints.
- Reduces symptoms of chronic conditions like osteoarthritis.
- Treats minor neck or spine injuries, especially whiplash.
Benefits of a chiropractic
There are several benefits of a chiropractic adjustment including :